How to get the first item in a given collection using Eleventy (with nunjucks).
Whenever you have a collection of items, within nunjucks there is the ability to choose the first in a collection.
Set a variable to do this and use the | first syntax:
{% set first = collections.posts | first %}
Then use it to render your item:
<a href="{{ first.url}}">
{{ }}
More than one?
you can also use loop.index if you're only wanting to output a certain number of posts:
{% for item in collections.postsSorted %}
{# will show the first 3 posts #}
{% if loop.index<=3 %}
<a href="{{first.url}}">
{{ }}
{% endif }
{% endfor }
Handy if, like me you’re new to nunjucks.
* I know nunjucks may not be templating flavor of the month, but at the same time it’s likely to be supported in Eleventy for quite a long time so still seems like a good bet until WebC is more fully featured.